Encounters With Grace

Grace Metalious (Larry Smith Photo)

There is an intersecting writers’ story in my encounters with the legend of Grace Metalious, the author of Peyton Place. I never knew her, of course — she died in 1963 at the age of 39 while I was still in elementary school. My closest encounter was watching the ABC television series, “Peyton Place”, which ran from September 15, 1964, to June 2, 1969, and I quickly lost interest. The novel never really interested me, either — I’m not sure I ever got through it.


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T.P. Caldwell is a writer, editor, photographer, and videographer who began his career as an apprentice printer at a weekly community newspaper. During his career as a journalist, he gained experience in all aspects of newspaper production, including working as a reporter, editor, publisher, and weekly newspaper owner.